
Co-op (Elementary & Middle School)

Co-op is designed for families with kids from birth through middle school. This is a cooperative group of families serving each other. Adult members serve in the classrooms while their children participate in classes. Registration is done by family and the annual registration fee is based upon the size of the family and helps to cover a portion of the supplies used in the classrooms. Kids will be placed into classrooms with small groups determined by their ages: birth through age 2 in the nursery, 3 & 4 year old kids will be in a preschool area, K-4th grades together, and 5th-8th grade together. 

2023-2024 Co-op Schedule

9:15 – Arrival (get name tags and find classrooms)

9:30-12:00 – Co-op classes

12:00-12:45 – Lunch in 306 (optional)

12:45-2:00 – Elective classes (optional)

2023-2024 Co-op Schedule

Class Dates

September 22

October 6, 13, & 27

November 10

December 8

January 12 & 26

February 9 & 23

March 8 & 22

April 12 & 26

Elective Classes

We also offer elective classes from 12:45-2:00 on co-op Fridays. These are optional classes that cover a variety of interests. There may be a small supply fee attached to some of these classes. Again, a parent is required to stay and volunteer during this time if their children are registered for elective classes. 

This year’s elective class lineup:

  • Plant and Animal Lifecycles (pre-k to 1st)
  • “Repurpose it” Crafting (2nd-4th)
  • Hands on Chemistry (5th-8th)
  • Exploring Arts and Crafts (5th-8th)
  • Gym Games (K-8th)
  • Legos and Board Games (K-8th)
  • Creation Moments (K-4th)